Saturday, March 22, 2014

3 Days of Relax life over~

So my 3 days of relax life in office ended on friday and tmr will be back to my suffering days.....
Friday was one of the best day since I really had so much food that I wanna puke when I see food at the end of the day.

Breakfast >> 3 bread (1 packet contain 4 bread)
Lunch >> Vegeterian food
Teabreak >> Mango Pamelo Sago + 1 bread
Dinner >> Seafood Pasta (Didn't finish all cause I'm super full! >,<)

Kenny still offer me a egg tart and I was like -.- cause my tummy is full of food and I just had a bread + dessert for tea break.. So I decided to transfer my "fat" to my PA, hahahahahaha!!!!! Ended up he also had a lot of food that day cause people buy him food and he still go to the convenience shop to buy bread.... Gosh!!!!!

So Friday I have something on last min when I'm supposed to meet Veggy for dinner... Sorry cause I also hate to have gathering especially its a last min thingy ):

& to make things worse, it rain when I was walking to find my driver. Thank god I found my driver and shelter before the rain falls on me! :D

Received a text from my PA asking me to wait for him but I almost reach my shelter, and this poor guy was walking halfway and the rain falls. LOL, how funny can that be?! I know I sounds bad but who ask you to leave so late??!! Lesson learned = Leave early!

And as I have mentioned earlier that I'm super free that 3 days, therefore I decided to go for some RETAIL THERAPY ~~ (That's what I normally do regardless of free or not free!)

In the end, within that few days only I overspend again ))): Both on food and apparels... OMGGG...
Now I'm trying hard to sell away my apparels to earn some extra cash so people, do buy from me again!!!!

Anyway, I have a bad feeling that next week is gonna be a busy and crazy week since Pikachu is back :\\\
BUT before that happens,, LET'S PARTYYYYY!!!!!!! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

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